Library Media Center
Welcome to the Library!
Media Center Hours
6:30am - 2:00pm
Library Guidelines
- Students may check out a maximum of two books.
- Students must show their Student ID to check out a book.
- Books are checked out for 2 weeks.
- A student with an overdue item or who owes a fine will not be allowed to check out additional items.
- A student must pay for damaged or lost items checked out in his/her name.
- Students that have lost items from previous schools within NCISD will not be allowed to check out.
Parent Information
Parents and guardians are the primary decision makers regarding their student's access to library materials. While campus library staff are trained in selecting materials in accordance with Board policy, the ultimate determination of appropriateness lies with the student and parent.
View the printed books in our library through the library catalog. Students can access their library accounts by logging into Accessit from Classlink. Once logged in, students can view their current checkouts and checkout history.
Should you have questions about how we select materials for our library or have a concern over a library book your child has checked out, please reach out to Richard Gabaldon.
Contact Us
Richard Gabaldon
Campus Media Specialist