Clubs & Organizations
- Band
- Choir
- Dance
- Junior FFA
- Livestock Judging
- National Junior Honor Society
- Orchestra
- Student Council
- UIL Academics
- Yearbook
Beginning Band
Anyone can start in beginning band, and you need no prior music knowledge to join! We will teach you all you need to know. Classes are based on the different instruments. They are: Flute, Double Reeds (Oboe and Bassoon), Saxophone, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone and Tuba, Percussion.
Concert Band
Non varsity concert band comprised of students with at least 1 year of experience playing an instrument. This is for students who have already been in beginning band, or have transferred from another school with band experience. This band performs at various times during the year at pep rallies, football games, concerts, and contests.
Symphonic Band
Varsity level concert band comprised of students with at least 1 year of experience playing an instrument. Entry into this group is by audition at the end of each school year. This group performs at various times during the year at pep rallies, football games, concert, and contests.
Band Shirt
Band members will be required to purchase the band t-shirt for concerts.
Instrument Rental or Purchase
Being in beginning band requires and instrument and supplies (based on the instrument). Most instruments can be rented or purchased at a variety of music stores, and we have compiled a list of brands of instruments that have the best durability and quality for a beginning band student. A quality instrument ensures that your child will always be able to participate fully in band, will be less discouraged because of an instrument that keeps breaking, and will last much longer than other less known brands.
Instruments Provided by School
The school provides French Horns, Baritones, and Tubas for an annual rental fee. For specific questions about certain brands, please contact the band staff.
Contact Us
Cody Brooks
Director of Bands
Nicole Soler
Assistant Director
Greetings! Your student has become a part of a competitive and wonderful music program. Our hope is to have choirs that are known throughout the region for their tradition of excellence. We are very excited about the opportunities PVMS choir will be able to take part in this year.
We have scheduled Christmas, Spring, and Pop Show concerts, UIL Concert and Sightreading competition, Solo and Ensemble competitions, and Region Choir Auditions.
All 6th grade girls and boys will be competing in a Choral Festival in May.
The 7th and 8th grade choirs will travel and compete in a competitions in the Houston area.
How to Join
Sign up for choir on the student course request.
Contact Us
Tiffany Ibarra
Choir Teacher
PVMS provides dance education that covers movement and history of jazz, ballet, lyrical, contemporary, hip hop and tap dance. We offer beginner dance and intermediate dance elective classes.
PVMS also has the Mustang Pride Dance team which is a competitive program that prepares students for high school drill team.
How to Join
Sign up for Dance on the student course request. Notify your Counselor of your interest to add Dance elective.
Mustang Pride Dance Team Auditions held every spring. The goal of the dance program is to inspire movement quality, artistry and athleticism within students
Contact Us
Brittany Hazen
Dance Instructor
Junior FFA
Junior FFA
Pine Valley Jr. FFA is an organization that is part of the New Caney FFA! Students enrolled in third through eighth grade can join Jr. FFA. We meet with the FFA chapter at the High School on the First Monday of every month. Membership fees are $20/student for the year. Junior membership fees must be paid before December 1.
Students that join the Junior FFA may show livestock, horticulture, homemaking, photography, and art, as well as compete in livestock judging contests.
How to Join
If you are interested in Junior FFA or would like more information, please contact Tyler Blazek.
Contact Us
Tyler Blazek
Pre-Ag and Livestock Judging
Livestock Judging
Livestock Judging
Livestock Judging is the evaluation of an animal's characteristics and making a comparison to other animals and the ideal standard of that particular class of animals. After each animal in the class is evaluated, the member ranks the animals from the most desirable to least desirable. There are four animals in a class and anywhere from 7 - 12 classes to judge in a contest. Species that are judged include, but are not limited to, heifers, bulls, gilts, ewes, market steers, market hogs, market lambs, and market goats. Competing in livestock judging not only provides members with an extensive knowledge of livestock characteristics, but gives members the opportunity to build decision making and leadership skills they will need in their future.
Who can compete?
Any members of Pine Valley Jr. FFA are welcome to compete on the Jr. Livestock Judging team.
How many members are on a team?
Teams are comprised of four members. Members can also judge as individuals.
Where are contests held?
We travel to several contests over the course of the school year.
Contact Us
Tyler Blazek
Pre-Ag and Livestock Judging
National Junior Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society
The purpose of National Junior Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage good citizenship in the students of secondary schools.
How to Join
Applications are available the second week of school at the start of the school year. If you are interested in joining NJHS or would like more information, please contact Kari Ashcraft and Cali Bowley.
Contact Us
Kari Ashcraft
Cali Bowley
Beginning Orchestra
Beginning orchestra is a class for 6th, 7th or 8th graders that teaches students the basics of how to read music, and how to play one of the four stringed instruments of the orchestra – violin, viola, cello, or string bass. Students do not need to have any previous musical knowledge, although it is helpful if they do. Students will need their own instrument. The school has a limited number of instruments for students that are not able to rent or buy their own. The beginning class will perform at a concert in December and in May during a normal school year.
Advanced Orchestra
Advanced orchestra is for 7th and 8th grade students that have at least one year of experience in orchestra. Students will increase their knowledge and skills based on what they learned in beginning orchestra. During a normal school year, the advanced orchestra will play at a concert each nine weeks, as well as participate in UIL contest in February. Students must be able to play the concert music and sight read at a high level to go to UIL contest.
Contact Us
Caroline Pagano
Orchestra Director
Student Council
Student Council
Student Council takes a great deal of time, energy, and dedication! We strive to include a diverse group of students with varying strengths and talents that are committed to enriching the culture of PVMS. The student council creates the opportunity for students to become effective leaders, thus encouraging and influencing a positive school climate.
How to Join
We are so excited that you want to be a part of Pine Valley Middle School Student Council! Applications will be sent out after the first of the school year. Applications and Constitution are linked. Please complete both documents and hand in to Mrs. Collins. Incomplete applications will not be considered. If you are new to PVMS after the application due date, please see the Student Council sponsor for details.
Contact Us
UIL Academics
National Junior Honor Society
The University Interscholastic League offers the most comprehensive program of academic competition in the nation. UIL Academics offers more activities than any other UIL division, with 29 contests at the high school level and 20 A+ Academic contests for grades 2-8. More than half a million students participate in UIL academic contests each year.
How to Join
Students will sign up for UIL events during the fall semester and will compete in April. They will compete against students from both New Caney ISD and surrounding districts. If you have questions, please contact the coach for that event.
Contact Us
Veronica Galbreath
UIL Coordinator
This course teaches students yearbook design and composition. Direct application is achieved by creating the school yearbook. Students are instructed in basic photography skills, and student photography is featured in the yearbook. If your student is interested in a future in journalism, advertising, or photography, then Yearbook class is a great place to start!
Contact Us
Christine Montano
Yearbook Coordinator